
Discovery Platform for Therapeutic D-Proteins

Written by Antibody Solutions Research Team | 12/11/16 5:59 PM

Stereochemistry is a fundamental property of proteins that defines their shape and biologic function. Proteins made of L-amino acids have inherent limitations as drugs since they are degraded by proteases which reduce their halflife and are often neutralized by an immune reaction to the protein. Therapeutic proteins made of D-amino acids overcome these limitations since they are inherently resistant to degradation by proteases and have dramatically reduced immunogenicity. Results for VEGF-A and additional therapeutic target proteins are presented


D-amino acid proteins, with longer half-lives and lower immunogenicity than their L-protein counterparts, can bind with high affinity and block the action of therapeutic target proteins. D-amino acid proteins are a new class of therapeutic protein that can offer unique opportunities for the treatment of disease

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We invite you to download our poster that details this research study, including our antibody discovery strategy as well as the Spike protein reagents, screening assay formats, and more that we utilized.


Joshua K. Lowitz, Billy Nguyen, Glen Lin, Michael Trang, Dana Ault-Riche and John S. Kenney, Antibody Solutions, Sunnyvale, CA, USA & Reflexion Pharmaceuticals, San Francisco, CA USA