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Antibody Catalog

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Antibody Catalog

Single Unit and Bulk MAb Product Ordering

Antibody Solutions offers a collection of purified, FITC-conjugated, and biotinylated monoclonal antibodies. To receive a quote, please complete the form below by indicating the products you would like to order with an associated quantity. We have included single unit and bulk pricing for reference. Please reference the antibody products table to make your selections. Specification sheets on any of our products are available upon request. (Pricing is subject to change. Final quotes will include product cost plus shipping and handling.)

Chart Key
  • Within our product numbers "AS00-X", you will see a P or B designation. P = Purified, B = Biotin Conjugate, F = FITC Conjugate

  • For product descriptions, we include h, Hu, m and Bab designations. h or Hu = Human, m = mouse, Bab = Baboon

Ab Name Ab Specificity As Unit Size Single Unit ($US) In Bulk ($US)
AS01-B hTNFa. Pairs with AS03 & AS40-P 0.2 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 2 mg: $750/mg
ASO1-F Anti-hTNFa, fluorescein conjugate, per mg, ≥0.5 mg -- -- Bulk Order ≥ 0.5 mg: $2,000/mg
AS03-P hTNFa, Pairs with AS01 (Hu& Bab) 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS05-P hIL-1a 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS05-F hIL-1a, fluorescein conjugate 100 test $295 Bulk Order ≥ 0.5 mg: $2000/mg
AS06-B hIL-1a, Pairs with AS08-P 0.2 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 2 mg: $750/mg
AS06-P hIL-1a, Pairs with AS08-P (Should use AS06-B) 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS08-P hIL-1a, Pairs with AS06-B 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS10-P hIL-1b 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS12-F hIL-6, fluorescein conjugate 100 test $295 Bulk Order ≥ 0.5 mg: $2000/mg
AS12-P hIL-6, Pairs with AS16-B 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS14-P hIL-8, Pairs with AS15-B 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS15-B hlL-8, Pairs with AS14-P 0.2 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 2 mg: $750/mg
AS16-B hIL-6, Pairs with AS12-P 0.2 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 2 mg: $750/mg
AS16-P hIL-6 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS17-P Anti-hIL-1RA, purified 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS18-B h/m NGF, Pairs w/ AS21 & AS22-P 0.2 $295 Bulk Order ≥2 mg: $750/mg
lAS18-P h/m NGF, Pairs w/ AS21 & AS22-P 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS21-P hNGF & mNGF, Pairs with AS18-B 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS22-P hNGF, Pairs with AS18-B 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS23-P hCNTF 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS24-P hFGF-basic, Pairs with AS25-B 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS25-B hFGF-basic, Pairs with AS24-P 0.2 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 2 mg: $750/mg
AS32-P hCD152sol form (CTLA4) 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS33-B hCD152sol form (CTLA4) 0.2 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 2 mg: $750/mg
AS33-P hCD152sol form (CTLA4) 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS34-P HIV-RT, Pairs with AS35-B 0.2 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 2 mg: $750/mg
AS35-B HIV-RT, Pairs with AS34-P 0.1 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 1 mg: $1500/mg
AS35-P HIV-RT, Pairs with AS34-P 0.1 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 1 mg: $1500/mg
AS40-P hTNFa, Pairs with AS01-B (Hu) 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS55-F hSLP-76 & mSLP-76, FITC 100 test $295 Bulk Order ≥ 0.5 mg: $2000/mg
AS55-P hSLP-76 & mSLP-76 0.1 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 1 mg: $1500/mg
AS56-P hIL-1b 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS57-P hIL-1b 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS66-P hCOX2 0.1 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 1 mg: $1500/mg
AS67-F COX2, fluorescein conjugate -- -- Bulk Order ≥ 0.5 mg: $2000/mg
AS70-P hCOX1 0.1 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 1 mg: $1500/mg
AS74-P Anti-Rat Thy 1.1, purified 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
PS1-B hIL-1RA 0.2 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 2 mg: $750/mg
AS75-B hKappa (hu-specific), pairs with AS76 0.2 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 2 mg: $750/mg
AS75-P hKappa (hu-specific), pairs with AS76 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg
AS76-B hKappa (hu-specific), pairs with AS75 0.2 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 2 mg: $750/mg
AS76-P hKappa (hu-specific), pairs with AS75 0.5 $295 Bulk Order ≥ 5 mg: $300/mg

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Antibody Ordering Catalog

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