
Generation of Antibodies to Difficult Membrane Protein Targets

Written by Antibody Solutions Research Team | 1/5/21 5:52 PM

Multipass transmembrane and multimeric membrane proteins are targets for the development of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, but they present challenges for antibody generation. Membrane proteins represent ~25% of the entire genome and the majority of those are multi-pass, complex proteins that are challenging to express in a native, bio-active state with appropriate quaternary structure.

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  • All three immunogen/immunization approaches raised Target X Abs.

  • There was a mouse strain bias (e.g., CD-1/Swiss) in obtaining positive Hybridoma LibrariesTM.

  • Antibody diversity, based upon screening results, was highest with the Cell + DNA immunization approach.

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We invite you to download our poster that details this research study, including our antibody discovery strategy as well as the Spike protein reagents, screening assay formats, and more that we utilized.


Joshua K. Lowitz, Glen Lin, Leonel Santibanez-Vargas, Jennifer Somera, Billy Nguyen, and John S. Kenney Antibody Solutions, Sunnyvale, CA, USA