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Reagents for Diagnostic Assays

How better diagnostics lead to better health

Today’s diagnostic assays are a center spoke in the global hub that’s driving healthcare toward improved disease detection and monitoring, comprehensive public health surveillance, and enhanced treatment development (including precision medicines). 

In short, diagnostic assays provide valuable predictive and strategic planning intelligence by giving providers and organizations the tools they need to measure disease trends in a variety of population groups, while simultaneously assessing the potential risks those diseases pose to those populations.


Priming diagnostic assays for prime success

The value of highly sensitive and specific antibodies in diagnostic assays can’t be understated: The more accurately a diagnostic can confirm a disease or virus strain, the more effectively a treatment can be administered. And that means precious resources — time, energy, funding — can be allocated precisely where they can deliver the most impact.

Yet the discovery of antibodies for diagnostics follows a unique path, considering factors not commonly critical for research or therapeutic antibody discovery, including:

The Setting

The Setting

The environment in which the antibody will be used — and, in turn, the specificity and sensitivity needed to provide clear, actionable data regarding the patient’s condition.

The Role

The Role

The antibody has to function not just within typical binding assays, but also within the final assay matrix in which the diagnostic is put to work.

The Balance

The Balance

The real art and science in developing reagents for diagnostic assays comes from being able to harmonize durability and specificity while keeping the core purpose of the test firmly intact.

Put Diagnostic Capabilities to Work

Today, our team at Antibody Solutions is working with clients to develop fit-for-purpose antibodies for their diagnostic tests. Improved consistency, stability, reliability — whatever dynamics are highest on their priority list, we’re ready to apply our unique expertise in custom antibody discovery to help their diagnostic assay fulfill its promise. We would welcome the opportunity to do the same for your team, so contact us directly to discuss your specific needs and objectives.